Writing has always been a passion of mine. My first publishing opportunity came at age 13 when I won a national poetry contest. I continue to write for international publications, help clients craft their vision into words, and connect scores of dots, artists, and lyrics into musical narratives for feature films.
The power of words is undeniable. In his 1839 declaration, “The pen is mightier than the sword,” Edward Bulwer-Lytton was speaking more truth than a metaphor.
I feel fortunate to have recently completed one of my strongest literary contributions to date – a best-selling book called Amplified: Unleash Your Potential Through the Power of Music. I hope you enjoy it.
“Through a scintillating combination of storytelling, science, and practical guidance, this book will inspire you to awaken your creative powers and live a more beautiful life.”
– Michael Gelb, creativity expert & New York Times best-selling author